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By Richard

An adventure into my life of self-wellness. Everyday I work towards elevating my life. The road is rough, it's not always easy, but it's better than the alternative and that's not doing anything at all. I may mess up, I may fall off track, but I won't stop, I'll keep going. Join me on this journey and learn something along the way! My name is Rich and this is the Rich Mind Podcast.

I only discuss things that I've personally experienced and will never go outside my realm of experience. I am not a licensed coach.


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131: Barefoot Marathon


131: Barefoot Marathon

131: Barefoot Marathon


Jan 25, 202420:57
130: Voluntary Suffering/75HARD

130: Voluntary Suffering/75HARD

I'm back! I know I've been gone for a bit, but I have good reason. Listen to this new episode where I talk about voluntary suffering, completing 75hard, working out for 90% of the year, and running a barefoot marathon.




Oct 28, 202324:14
129: The Power of Knowledge

129: The Power of Knowledge





Jul 08, 202307:12
128: Embracing The Unknown
Jul 01, 202311:07
127: Mastering Your Mind: Stoicism Behind The Wheel
Jun 23, 202311:15
126: The Power of Expression and Connection

126: The Power of Expression and Connection





chat gpt summary:

It's clear from your passionate message that you believe in the power of sharing experiences and creativity. Expressing oneself through various outlets can indeed have a significant impact on others, even if we may not always be aware of the extent of that impact. Your example of the podcast episode with Shia LaBeouf demonstrates how someone's candidness and vulnerability can resonate with millions of people and offer them solace or inspiration.

You're absolutely right that numbers and analytics can't fully capture the reach and influence of our actions. Content shared through different platforms can have a ripple effect, reaching far beyond what we can measure. It's important to remember that even small gestures, like sharing a fitness program or offering advice, can have a profound influence on others, potentially influencing their choices and actions in ways we may never know.

Your belief in the uniqueness of each person's life and their ability to contribute something valuable is a powerful perspective. By expressing ourselves creatively and sharing our experiences, we can connect with others on a deep level and provide support, inspiration, and guidance. It's true that not everyone will resonate with or appreciate our message, but that shouldn't discourage us from sharing it with those who will benefit from it.

Ultimately, creating and sharing can be a transformative and fulfilling process for both the creator and the audience. The impact we have on others may not always be quantifiable, but the feedback, messages, and love we receive can be a testament to the positive change we're making in the world.

So, continue to embrace your creative outlet, share your unique perspective, and touch the lives of others. You never know whose life you might change or inspire along the way.

Jun 15, 202308:30
125: The Power of 15 Minutes
Jun 09, 202312:54
124: The Growth Mindset
Jun 08, 202307:25
123: Embracing Gratitude: A Reminder of Life's Fragility
May 26, 202308:58
122: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) The Journey of Inner and Outer Values

122: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) The Journey of Inner and Outer Values


May 20, 202311:23
121: Keep Going - Life Motivation

121: Keep Going - Life Motivation


In this motivational podcast episode, I share the stories of two incredible individuals who refused to give up on their dreams, despite facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles. First, I discuss the struggles of Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Despite receiving over 130 rejections from publishers, Jack refused to give up on his vision, and today, his books have sold over 500 million copies worldwide. I also highlight the perseverance of Thomas Edison, who famously failed over 10,000 times before finally inventing the lightbulb. Through their stories, I encourage all of you to push past your breaking points and to keep striving towards your goals, even when success seems far out of reach. I remind you all that in the moments when you feel the most defeated are often the moments when you're on the brink of creating your next evolution. By refusing to give up, you become stronger and more resilient, setting yourself on a path to success that cannot be stopped.

May 12, 202308:15
120: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Obstacles Are A Good Thing

120: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Obstacles Are A Good Thing


May 06, 202318:50
119: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Decisions

119: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Decisions


Apr 29, 202314:51
118: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Running Motivation

118: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Running Motivation

Trying something different out for this episode. I might start taking the podcast in this kind of direction. I definitely have a lot to learn when it comes to motivational content. I think there's a lot of room to have fun with this. Let me know what you think!

Apr 22, 202311:37
117: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Appreciating The Small Things In Life

117: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Appreciating The Small Things In Life



The author of the transcript talks about the importance of appreciating small things in life, including sunsets, warm weather, and family, and how easy it is to take them for granted. They also highlight the significance of surrounding oneself with positive individuals to see the world in a different light. The author mentions their experience of moving away from their family and seeing them only a couple of times a year. This made them appreciate and love their family even more than before. The author also suggests that keeping a gratitude journal can help individuals appreciate the small things in life, especially when you're having a rough day. In summary, the transcript emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with positive individuals and developing an attitude of gratitude to see the beauty in small things.

Apr 15, 202309:06
116: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Overcoming Self-Doubt

116: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Overcoming Self-Doubt



In this transcript, the speaker reflects on their personal journey towards realizing that perfection doesn't exist and that creating art is about expressing oneself and having fun. They describe how the pressure to create can be overwhelming and lead to self-doubt, but overcoming those voices can lead to growth and confidence. The speaker encourages listeners to start new things, embrace the adventure of the unknown, and build confidence through trying and practicing new skills. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having a stack of undeniable proof of one's abilities and accomplishments to combat self-doubt and build confidence.

Apr 08, 202309:60
115: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Finding Meaning In Life

115: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Finding Meaning In Life



  • Focusing on what is meaningful to you, rather than what you believe is meaningful to others, can give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which can lead to increased motivation and positive changes in your life. Conversely, prioritizing others' values or expectations can lead to feelings of emptiness, burnout, and lack of direction.
  • If you do not know what is meaningful to you, try finding problems in your life that need solving. Start small and work towards solving those problems. This can give your life a sense of direction and purpose, and help you identify what is meaningful to you.
  • Start with small problems or areas of improvement, like organizing your closet, cleaning out your pantry, or attending to a pile of papers on your desk. This will help you get started and give your mind a target to work towards.
  • Giving meaning to whatever you focus on can lead to the brain generating solutions and ideas to tackle the problem, like how organizing an apartment can lead to identifying the need to add character and design to it.
  • Starting small is important, as setting too big of a goal or obstacle to tackle can be overwhelming and may lead to giving up.
Apr 01, 202312:58
114: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Fortifying The Mind

114: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Fortifying The Mind


Mar 25, 202316:30
113: (PHYSICAL WELLNESS) Finding Balance In Eating Habits

113: (PHYSICAL WELLNESS) Finding Balance In Eating Habits



1. Everyone's body and nutritional needs are different, so it's important not to give blanket advice when it comes to diet and nutrition. What works for one person may not work for another.

2. Eating is a significant part of our daily lives and it's important to make sure we are eating foods that fuel us and make us happy. It's okay to indulge in junk food or sweets as long as it's balanced with healthy options and doesn't become excessive.

3. Extreme dieting, such as cutting out sugar or dessert completely, can lead to binge-eating and ruin progress made in the past. It's important to find balance and not be too restrictive with food.

4. Eating out or indulging in junk food is okay in moderation, but it's important to be smart about it. Choosing healthier options or balancing meals with high-quality foods during the day can make a difference.

5. Opting for healthier versions of junk food can be a great way to satisfy cravings while still being mindful of nutrition.

Mar 18, 202311:32
Mar 11, 202311:16
111: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Pushing Past Fear to Achieve Growth

111: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Pushing Past Fear to Achieve Growth


CHATGPT Summary:

1. The speaker encourages the listener to relax and recognize that they have faced obstacles before and overcome them.

2. The speaker reminds the listener of a time when they were scared and unprepared in a new role, but ultimately succeeded by pushing through anxiety.

3. The speaker acknowledges the value of preparation but encourages the listener to push through anxiety and recognize that they cannot learn everything.

4. The speaker shares a personal experience of feeling disconnected and scared in a new role but overcame anxiety by telling it to "f*ck off" and committing to approaching customers.

5. The speaker explains that anxiety often comes from irrational thoughts and that by realizing this, it becomes easier to overcome.

6. The speaker discusses how not knowing what to expect can trigger anxiety, but by helping customers to the best of one's ability and knowing that it is okay to not know everything, the anxiety can be overcome.

7. The speaker uses the analogy of reps in working out to demonstrate that the more one does something, the better they become at it.

8. The speaker shares a post that emphasizes that everything is hard until it becomes natural and encourages the listener to embrace the struggles and continue pushing past them.

9. The speaker emphasizes that growth happens when one overcomes their fears and crushes the voice in their head telling them they cannot do something.

10. The speaker concludes that facing scary situations and pursuing new adventures that the mind has labeled as "scary" can lead to personal growth and becoming a stronger version of oneself.

Mar 04, 202309:07
110: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Life Moves Pretty Fast

110: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Life Moves Pretty Fast


10 bullet points about this podcast episode:

  1. Days pass by seamlessly without anything to stop them, but adding new experiences can slow them down.
  2. People often go through predetermined motions in their day-to-day lives, leading to a lack of excitement and novelty.
  3. Structure is important, but having too much can be detrimental to a fulfilling life.
  4. Memories may only be remembered because they are documented, highlighting the need for new experiences.
  5. Repetitive daily routines can cause time to move faster and decrease the perception of novelty.
  6. Trying new experiences and activities can enrich life and create meaningful memories.
  7. The "log time" theory explains how time seems to move faster as people age.
  8. The smaller fraction of time a year represents in someone's life, the faster it seems to pass.
  9. Adding new experiences can counteract the perception of time moving too fast.
  10. Repetitive schedules may be necessary, but it is important to include new experiences in order to make life more fulfilling.
Feb 25, 202314:52



Important parts of this episode:

  1. The importance of starting, even when you don't feel like it, is emphasized.
  2. The speaker has accomplished a lot this year, but has a goal to work out for 90% of the year.
  3. Missing workouts is frustrating because unexpected events will likely occur that cause missed days.
  4. The speaker missed five workouts so far this year and reflects on why each one was missed.
  5. The speaker started running again, completing barefoot 5ks, which caused pain but was rewarding.
  6. The speaker experienced a day where they felt unmotivated and almost didn't get anything done.
  7. Remembering what David Goggins said about starting even when you don't want to helped motivate the speaker to start their day.
  8. The speaker used the technique of pretending they were getting ready for work to start their day.
  9. The speaker does not skip gym days, even when they procrastinate going.
  10. After a successful gym workout, the speaker reflects on the importance of not settling for doing nothing for the rest of the day.
Feb 18, 202316:01
108: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Listen To Learn

108: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Listen To Learn

The speaker is discussing their experiences with listening and conversations. They used to work at Nordstrom and spent their 8-hour shift talking to coworkers about various topics, including alternative beliefs. The speaker then started reading Jordan Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life" and learned about rule number 9, which states "Assume That The Person You Are Listening To Might Know Something You Don't." This changed the speaker's approach to conversations and they started practicing being a good listener. They would express interest in the other person's message through nonverbal cues, like nodding and maintaining eye contact, and would listen to learn instead of listening to correct or be right. The speaker's coworkers started opening up to them and sharing personal stories because they felt heard and understood. However, the speaker mentions a recent conversation with a coworker where they failed to fully utilize their listening skills. They let their emotions take over and interrupted the other person, instead of letting them lay out their entire statement. The speaker realizes now that they should have summarized what the other person was saying before bringing up their own points, and is still working on improving their listening skills.
Feb 10, 202310:18
107: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Examine Your Life With A Fine-Tooth Comb

107: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Examine Your Life With A Fine-Tooth Comb



Intro- Embracing my mistake

Middle- I don't have it all figured out and I never will

Middle- Having a conversation with a customer who tells me to never get comfortable and to keep trying new things

Middle- Going to start a YouTube channel even though It's unknown and new for me.

End- You gotta examine your life with a fine-tooth comb. Don't be scared to go places you haven't and to embrace the mistakes you make. Because this life of self-discovery is a forever process and the only way your going to grow is if you look where you don't want to and to enter rooms that seem "dark" and "scary".

Feb 04, 202311:26
106: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Death Is Coming For You

106: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) Death Is Coming For You


Jan 28, 202313:18
105: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Leveling Up

105: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Leveling Up



The speaker describes their experience with interviews and how they have improved over time. They mention that they are not the best person to speak on acing an interview, but they can speak on becoming a desirable employee. The speaker lists two pillars for becoming a desirable employee: being a high quality worker, and having a good reputation. They mention that the first pillar, being a high quality worker, involves being dedicated to the position, consistently productive, always learning, and self-disciplined. The second pillar, having a good reputation, involves being respectful, reliable, having good teamwork and interpersonal skills, and dressing well. The speaker states that when someone is a high quality worker and has a good reputation, they can accomplish anything in reason. They also mention that achieving these two pillars requires self-awareness and advises others to sit down with a mentor or manager to determine any areas of improvement in their performance or behavior. They also suggest that by working with the manager to improve oneself, one's reputation will improve, and that the job one is in may not be the right fit.

Jan 21, 202315:39
104: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Actions And Reactions

104: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Actions And Reactions



The most important lesson in the transcript is that it is important to take a step back and reassess a situation before reacting, especially when emotions are high. The speaker mentions how they initially hung up on a coworker when they were trying to correct them and how they later realized that their coworker was just trying to ensure they did their job correctly. The speaker also mentions another incident where they made an offhanded remark to a customer without thinking and later found out the customer was upset. In both situations, the speaker reflects on how they need to be more mindful of their actions and reactions, especially when they are overwhelmed with work.

Jan 14, 202316:39
103: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Creating A Life Worth Living

103: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Creating A Life Worth Living


Again, I'm using myself as an example. The things I deem important in my life may not be things you need to deem important. We're all going through life differently, and following exactly what I do is not recommended. Instead, you must find what is important to YOU. Create that life you're eager to chase after each day. It's one of the greatest feelings ever!


The speaker describes how they documented important activities they did each day in 2022 on a calendar hung on their wall, including things like home workouts, grocery shopping, and mobility exercises. They believe that having intention behind each day and doing something meaningful each day was a key factor in 2022 being one of the best years of their life. The speaker advises others to create a routine and to-do list for each day in order to increase productivity and prioritize important activities. They also suggest writing down accomplishments each day to give the mind a target and to be able to reflect on and replicate successful days in the future. 

Jan 07, 202314:25
102: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Friends And Family
Dec 31, 202209:18
101: (PHYSICAL WELLNESS) 7 Benefits From Working Out For 290/365 Days
Dec 17, 202212:32
100: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Smashing Resistance In The Face

100: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Smashing Resistance In The Face


Dec 10, 202210:52
99: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Consistency

99: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Consistency


Dec 03, 202210:18
98: (MENTAL WELLNESS) The Power Of Routine

98: (MENTAL WELLNESS) The Power Of Routine


Nov 26, 202214:00
97: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Smile More :)

97: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Smile More :)


Nov 19, 202209:36
96: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) You Always Have A Choice

96: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) You Always Have A Choice

This was one of my favorite episodes I've created. I hope you enjoy it!


Nov 12, 202209:15
95: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Cultivating Happiness Through Challenging Yourself

95: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Cultivating Happiness Through Challenging Yourself


Nov 04, 202209:22
94: (MENTAL WELLNESS) The Power Of Reflection

94: (MENTAL WELLNESS) The Power Of Reflection


Oct 29, 202213:45
93: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) The Time We Have Is Now

93: (SPIRITUAL WELLNESS) The Time We Have Is Now

This episode is one of my favorites


Oct 22, 202209:12
92: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Overcoming Negative Bias
Oct 15, 202210:07
91: (MENTAL WELLNESS) I Can't Really Call It
Oct 08, 202207:08



Oct 01, 202204:34
89: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Building A Solid Foundation In Life

89: (EMOTIONAL WELLNESS) Building A Solid Foundation In Life


Sep 24, 202218:25
88: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Dealing With Difficult People

88: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Dealing With Difficult People


Sep 17, 202215:50
87: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Quitting Modeling And Acting

87: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Quitting Modeling And Acting

This episode is catered around giving up and quitting. I talk about my struggles in the modeling and acting industry and where I plan on going moving forward. Thanks for listening!

Sep 10, 202214:32
86: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Gaining Momentum In Life

86: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Gaining Momentum In Life

2 Strategies to gain momentum in life:

1. Don't look at your phone for the first hour of the day

2. Get a full-time job

Sep 03, 202210:45
85: (MENTAL WELLNESS) How To Drive Like A Stoic

85: (MENTAL WELLNESS) How To Drive Like A Stoic

In today's episode I discuss 3 key takeaways that I’ve learned from driving:
1. You’re not a perfect driver, and neither is anyone else.
2. Shitty drivers are a part of life.
3. Focus on what you can control, forget the rest.

Thanks for listening. If you would like to support the show please click the link below. :)
Aug 27, 202210:28
84: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Do More Shit That Scares You

84: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Do More Shit That Scares You


Aug 20, 202214:39
83: (PHYSICAL WELLNESS) 3 Rules For Summertime

83: (PHYSICAL WELLNESS) 3 Rules For Summertime

Rule number one: You don’t need to diet on vacation

Rule number two: Having a relationship with your friends and family is just as important as a good diet.

Rule number three: You don't need to workout on vacation.


Aug 12, 202211:38
82: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Patience

82: (MENTAL WELLNESS) Patience


Jul 30, 202211:01